There are lots of things around us that could inspire or warn us.
Don't just open your eyes, but also your mind and heart..
and you will be amazed with what the world offers you.. ;)  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It started from a game..

Saturday morning.. have a little headache from last night. Last night I and my friends went to a pub. I was overwhelmed by the crowd at the pub. It was so loud that I couldn't hear my own voice. The ceiling was very low. The pub was so packed full of people. I know what you're thinking. "What am I doing there?" The answer is nothing. I was just curious how the social life of Irish people is. My opinion? Not a fan of it. I prefer a quiet place where I could have a relaxing conversation. OK, maybe my definition of relax is different to Irish's definition. :P

Anyway, at the pub, we had a little game. A friend of mine tried to find his potential wife there. Looking for a wife at a pub didn't sound like a good idea. I knew he was joking (I hoped he was). He asked me to give a score to any woman passing us. The score was from 1 to 10, 1 meant yes (could be potential wife) and 10 meant no (could not). For about 15 minutes we played the game, I gave a lot of 9s or 10s. My reason was simple. A lot of women there put too much make up on, so it didn't look natural at all. Some of them looked scary. I'm sorry to say this but that's my honest opinion. Sometimes, too much make up makes you look older than what you really are. I don't say make up is bad, but for me less is more. That night, it was hard to find a simple and naturally beautiful lady there.

One more thing, some of the dresses they wore were outrageous. As a woman, I felt embarrassed just by looking at them. I'm not going to say further about this. I think you get my point of view.

That night triggers something that has been in my mind for a long time. I heard so many times about the statements saying "Women are not objects", "Stop treating us as objects!", and so on. If you don't want to be treated as objects, don't treat yourselves as ones. It's as simple as that. If your mind focuses too much on how you look, what you're going to wear to 'highlight your feature', which part of your body you need to 'improve', etc, can you really blame others who think of you as objects only? I didn't say you can't look good, not at all. Instead you should make an effort to look nice, but don't try too hard, please have some self respect. 

There's another quote: Don't judge a book by its cover! It's true, and I didn't. Don't get me wrong. You could be a wonderful human being with a big heart behind all the heavy make up and the outrageous outfits. What I'm saying is let all the wonderful things inside you shine without being distracted by any other things that are irrelevant. ;) Don't you want to be loved for who you really are? not for all the accessories you put on. Physical appearance will eventually fade, but a big heart won't.

ps: I didn't intend to offend anyone, just my honest thought. If you feel offended, I apologize, and just close this page as soon as possible. ;)

note: Pubs in Ireland are not like the ones in Indonesia. Here, cafe-like and restaurant-like places, some of them are called pubs.

The picture above I took when I visited the Dublin Botanical Garden.


You're absolutely right, not all women are like that. I didn't generalize it to all women either. Hmm.. culture difference might play some role here. I was wondering though: Do Irish people (or western people in general) agree that it's part of their culture?

I guess, nobody wants "over sexy appearance" considered as part of their culture. Good for you, you have "satpam", Jo.. :D

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