There are lots of things around us that could inspire or warn us.
Don't just open your eyes, but also your mind and heart..
and you will be amazed with what the world offers you.. ;)  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"I love you, Mommy.."

A couple days ago, I went to Winter Wonderland with my friends. At the ice skating area, I saw a little girl (about 4-5 years old) playing with her ice skating shoes. She just took them off and carried them around, running. Her mom shouted, "Stop it! That's dangerous! Come here!" The little girl came to her mom and gave her the shoes, then she walked away. Seconds later, she came back to her mom, hugged her and said, "I love you, Mommy!" "I love you too, sweetheart!" her mom hugged her back and smiled.


It's so sweet. The little girl somehow understood that what her mom did (shouting) was part of love. Good girl! :) Love is not always melancholic or romantic, a tough love is sometimes needed. :)

source of the picture above:


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