There are lots of things around us that could inspire or warn us.
Don't just open your eyes, but also your mind and heart..
and you will be amazed with what the world offers you.. ;)  

A lighthouse and its shadow at Howth..

The sea was so quiet and relaxing, and look at the water and sky, so clear and blue! :)

Sunrise at the Maples

It's truly the beauty of nature.. :)

One fine weekend at Howth

It was sunny and bright. Some people went there with their family to have a picnic. Some people walked their dog.

My first snow experience.. ^_^

This picture was taken from the window in my bedroom (1st January 2010). I was so ecstatic, beyond excited! :D

A collection of yachts at Howth

I wish I had one.. :P

Monday, February 20, 2012

Homemade Treatment for Asthma

Hi, readers! :)

It has been more than 2 weeks I didn't update my blog. Now, I'm going to share some information I got from an Algerian brother, which might be useful for people out there who have asthma. The only ingredients you should prepare are fresh cloves.

This homemade treatment was discovered by a Sudanese engineer. He himself experienced attacks of asthma that were so severe. He noticed that cloves would help to cure the symptoms, so he did some experiment until he found a unique recipe that gave him a total relief. He recommended this treatment to his friend who was also suffering from asthma so severe that she needed to go to the hospital constantly for oxygen. After trying this treatment, she was cured. It was also useful for another friend who was on a breath inhaler.

This treatment is simple and natural way to cure or give relief to some people who suffer from asthma.
  1. Take 6 stems of fresh cloves.
  2. Remove the head of each clove and keep the stem (this is very important).
  3. Put the stems in a 1/2 cup of cold water, cover it and let it sit over night.
  4. First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink the water and discard the stems.
  5. Repeat this process for 15 days, continuously.
Hope this simple recipe works like a charm, and feel free to share this to your friends as a potential treatment for asthma relief. May you be blessed with health and happiness! :)

source of the picture:


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